Friday, November 11, 2011

Don't forget to prepare for the BUSIEST shopping days of the year!

Yes, we all know this is the busiest shopping time of the year. But did you know which DAYS are the busiest for online retailers? Be sure to have plenty of widgets on hand, as this isn't the time to be caught out of stock on a popular item. Now run back to the shipping room and make sure you have plenty of packaging supplies to ship all of those orders that will be coming in. Check your stock of Boxes, Bubble Wrap, Bubble Mailers, Tape, Tissue Paper, etc!

Here are some of the days we expect most online retailers to be the busiest this holiday season:
Black Friday: November 25th
Small Business Saturday: November 26th
Cyber Monday: November 28th
Free Shipping Day: December 16th

Also, don't forget the Holiday Shipping Deadlines for the USPS.

Happy Selling!

Jason Archambault
Fastpack Packaging Inc.
226 SE Lee School Ave
Lee, FL 32059

Ph.850-971-7201 - Fax 413-460-8062

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